Etiqueta / Miguel Angel Gil Martínez
Inducing narrative tension in the viewer through suspense, surprise, and curiosity
Research into narrative tension is of interest in terms of the progress of knowledge of the processes and mechanisms by which stories are received and enjoyed. We have created four versions of an audiovisual story with three different structures of fiction (suspense, surprise, curiosity) and one of non-fiction. We have investigated the effects of the…
The relationships between the exploration of virtual space, its presence and entertainment in virtual reality, 360º and 2D
This research investigates the relationships between the way virtual space is explored, the perception of presence and the degree of entertainment experienced during the experience. All participants (N = 147) interact with an omnidirectional video clip in three different conditions (VR, 360º, 2D). Throughout the two experimental sessions, affective, cognitive, and behavioural information is collected from the…